
Mulgrave Vic.  Australia

 Kinder Music 

Music for everyone!
Experience the Magic of Music

About Doremi Kinder Music

Haven't you been exposed to music since you were a baby?
You would listen to music when you are sad, happy, calm, and excited. 

Emotional control is a crucial skill in our daily lives. When emotions are not in control, children may also suffer from stress and anxiety.
Therefore, the aim of 'Doremi Kinder Music" is to enjoy music that stimulates emotions, to feel and express sound through the body, and to control one's own feelings, creating a comfortable and pleasant time for the children.

"Doremi Kinder Music" teaches Music & Japanese. I teach using a special method called "Eurythmics"(Swiss composer, Emile Jaques-Dalcrose developed) that helps the children's mind and body coordination to increase their non-cognitive abilities such as social skills, concentration, imagination, creative skills, and expressions.

We also teach the Japanese language by incorporating Japanese culture and events in a variety of different activities. 

By learning about other languages and cultures, children can become more aware and gain respect for the people around them. Through this process, children can cultivate a greater appreciation for their own culture and traditions too.

" Having fun and learning" is our philosophy. Children are having fun although at the same time learning. Seeing the children's expressions of laughter and smiles is the most important part of a session.



ドレミキンダーミュージックは日本語の音楽教室です。スイスの音楽教育家、エミール・ジャック=ダルクローズ氏が創案した「リトミック教育法」を取り入れ、指導しております。歌、リズム遊び、表現遊び、運動、そしてミュージックを通し、子ども達の社会性、集中力、創造力、想像力、判断力、表現力などの “非認知能力” を高め、生きる力を育むと共に、心と体のコーディネートを目指します。


Sessions & Fees

Early learning centre, Kindergarten 
Baby~ Toddler
Music session
3~4 yro room 
Music & Japanese session
Class size
Max 15 children

If there are more than 15 children, it will be split into 2 separate sessions
$60 / per session
Minimum callout
$240 (includes up to 4 sessions)

*If planning to have sessions regularly, the price may change,
please contact us.
Free trial lesson 
Only occurs when it is the first time
in a regular session
Play group →
$240/per session(2 hours)
Includes: Music sessions with
Japanese Language, crafts and
story time
(Incl. 30mins break & free time)
見出し ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。


Every week the lessons are based on different themes. The themes have adopted the children's experiences of daily life such as seasons, events, personal belongings, places, animals, and imagining things so that they can be more expressive themselves. 


Music Activities
ミュージック アクティビティ

Eurythmics, songs, musical instruments

 Rhythm, tone, sound, scale, expression, singing songs, playing with instruments, and teaching with a special method called ‘Eurythmics’ The Children are not just sitting down and listening, they will be joining in and expressing themselves. 

Story time
(Japanese session)
Puppet show "Ken & Mari go on an adventure"
パペットショー ”ケンとマリの大冒険”
Providing puppet shows called " Ken & Mari go on an adventure".  Ken & Mari go to explore different places each week. During the puppet show, the children learn simple Japanese words such as greetings, numbers, seasons, opposite words, colours, names of animals, and so on. 
Craft time 
(Play group only)
Painting, drawing, cutting, pasting!
Crafts are fun!! During the sessions, there is time provided for crafts. Children use their fine motor skills, cogitation skills, creativity, hand and finger coordination, and satisfaction. Introducing Japanese events and materials. 


講師 紹介
Michiko Endo
Hi, my name is Michiko. I have been playing the piano since I was 5.
I love music especially classical music and jazz. 

I worked at a Kindergarten for 6 years in Japan and then I came to Australia.  I have worked in Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years. I hold a teaching Diploma in Primary and kindergarten in Japan and a Diploma in Community Services in Australia. 
After the birth of my eldest daughter, I wanted to pass on the Japanese language and culture to children living in Australia and teach them through my love for music. With this in mind, I started "Doremi Kinder Music" in 2011 at the local community centre.
I have taught more than 200 children in my music classes.
I would like to introduce to the children that music is fun and helps develop their skills.
日本で6年間、幼稚園教諭の実務を経て、オーストラリアの保育園で勤めるようになりました。日本、オーストラリアの幼児教育の実務を合わせると20年以上になります。日本では小学校、幼稚園教諭免許、オーストラリアではDiploma of Community Services を取得。

This is my book↓ Talks about increasing children's initiative skills through Early Childhood Education and Music activities. 
わたしの書籍です↓ 「非認知能力」の必要性、そして、音楽、オーストラリアの幼児教育、あそびを通して『主体性』が育つ方法が書かれています。



Educator Ms. E

The children really enjoy Michiko coming each week. They learnt about another culture and some words in Japanese and counting. 

Michiko is lots of fun and has great talent to entertain and teach our children. A worth while incursion to offer. 


Educational Leader Ms. J

The children enjoyed the musical session with Michiko. The children specially enjoyed the handmade puppets along with the songs. She was very fun, and the children loved her special piano music.



Educator Mrs. G
Michiko has an excellent rapport with the children. The children had lots of fun participating in the lessons. I feel music helps children to coordinate and increase non-cognitive abilities, such as social skills, imagination, and so on. I would highly recommend Michiko to conduct a music program for children.


サンプル 太郎


Let's have fun learning

Doremi Kinder Musicに関してお問い合わせはこちら→


Please contact us (Email: doremikindermusic@gmail.com) or fill out the form below and press the send button. I will contact you as soon as possible.
お問い合わせは、(Email:doremikindermusic@gmail.com) にてお問い合わせいただくか、下記のお問い合わせフォームにご記入いただきご連絡ください。お電話、メールによりご対応させていただきます。

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